Your ideas for Sablono

The world's first Construction Execution Platform

Feature to blend in Activitiy-Notes with QA-checklists

Pictures or notes can be added to both an activity or to a QA checklist item. On the mobile app, this makes little difference as the UI shows both notes next to each other. On the web, this leads to confusion. Activity-notes are separated from QA-notes. Accessing info happens in 2 different tabs, between many other notes.

To print out a pdf with all info (notes and QA) of an activity, one has to print the QA checklist and a section of the notes pages.
A feature linking the Acitivity-notes and QA-notes closer together would be helpful. (Especially, when someone forget to take pictures before submission)

  • Guillaume Neyrinck
  • May 19 2021
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