Your ideas for Sablono

The world's first Construction Execution Platform

Add status "revision" - mainly for engineering deliverables

After an activity was confirmed already it might need to be re-opened due to a revision. I'd like to be able to document that in a new state: Revision. State changes would include:
Confirmed -> Revision
Revision -> Waiting for Confirmation

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2020
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  • David Jung commented
    June 22, 2020 13:19

    Hi Sven,

    We discussed this again internally and I'd like to ask for your feedback:
    What if instead of creating a new manual state for Revision, this would be something automatically calculated? Whenever an activity is "in progress" for the second, third, ... time we could add an indicator to places that you would like to understand it e.g. the 2D visualization.

    I think that would reduce the size of the topic drastically. What would you think about such a solution?


  • Lukas Olbrich commented
    May 12, 2020 07:39

    Sounds like this could be solved by allowing a status process per Activity as we discussed for the 3rd Party feature. Instead of Hard Coding what happens the user could decide